Ivan Grishagin
Ivan Grishagin
## Overview I have an issue _identical_ in just about every single respect -- **including the logs** -- to the issue #1003. Containers appear to be timing out when attempting...
https://drugs-dev.ncats.io/substances?facet=Development%20Status%2FDiscontinued&facet=Development%20Status%2FUS%20Previously%20Marketed&facet=Development%20Status%2FUS%20Unapproved%20Medicine&facet=Development%20Status%2FWithdrawn&facet=Substance%20Form%2FPrincipal%20Form&page=1I'd like to propose reviewing RCAP status especially on these above categories of drugs and reviewing for accuracy for:1. Initial marketing date/year2. Current marketing statusI had earlier neglected to include...
Subtask for:https://www.wrike.com/open.htm?id=183728532
TODO Summary:approvedYear should use the earliest Marketed date NOT the earliest ApprovalRx date.Drugs@FDA listed drugs that are marked "Discontinued" AND with a Federal Register determination should be marked as Approved...
Use a Supplementary Table 1 from https://www.nature.com/nrd/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nrd.2017.194.html#supplementary-information(attached)TODO □ clean up and add UNIIs □ incorporate into stitcher
Calculator Fix -- 'Export Only' Jurisdiction Issue
EUGENOL 3T8H1794QW US Unapproved, Marketed Somewhere Source: Dry Socket https://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/drug/3T8H1794QWDigging into its stitcher entry https://stitcher.ncats.io/api/stitches/v1/3T8H1794QWThere are plenty of DailyMed prods to cite, including: https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=27f82004-adeb-1112-e054-00144ff8d46c&audience=consumer1. Perhaps prioritize citing DailyMed to other...
We need a calculator that would attempt to calculate the initial marketing and approval dates (and all concomitant information, such as jurisdiction and source).
UPDATE 04/13 -- Use cases:https://www.wrike.com/open.htm?id=211081489https://www.wrike.com/open.htm?id=209720007Can we remove data within stitcher somehow?How can we store these changes to be applied upon restitching?I guess this is a part of a much bigger...
Construct authoritative list of Russian medicines and incorporate into Stitcher.Ultimately drugs status should reflect that these are marketed in Russia