Ivan Grishagin
Ivan Grishagin
UPDATE 02/26: Can use G-SRS API and an existing data model for that.Prerequisites:A name (or names)A reference (or references)Some identifier to use as a code[optional] structure / sequence / propertiesMake...
Idea was to capture the curations that we performed on external data, and send it back to that original source as a report for them to implement.Obviously, we can get...
RETAPAMULIN currently points to itself as active moiety:https://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/substance/4MG6O8991RShould instead point to PLEUROMULIN:https://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/substance/3DE4A80MZ1Basically, is it possible to change stitches, when a text file is supplied in the format:```UNII - Property -...
Description is for ammonium tetrachlorozincate which was annotated "as is" -- i.e. not like Zn ion. That description has been used for zinc acetate.
Verify Stitcher Parents for unapproved, marketedhttps://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/drug/M55RUL8T9CSPL references are suspect, sometimes using both stereoisomers in the case of a mixture, so it looks like bepridil is approved, but R and S...
ECAMSULE is approvedhttps://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/drug/M94R1PM439but ECAMSULE DITRIETHANOLAMINE is not listed as suchhttps://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/drug/078Q44I6CDThe salt is also listed as primaryhttps://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/substances?q=%22ECAMSULE%22&facet=Substance%20Form%2FPrincipal%20Form
Some drugs in the Rancho dataset are veterinary. Need to establish which ones are and mark them accordingly.
Case of ClofezoneFacts:Clofezone is on withdrawn list from Broad Clofezone is Approved in Inxight https://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/drug/TPT3MH65LDHas clofexamide as component https://drugs-dev.ncats.io/ginas/app/drug/071P4J77HFClofexamide is Marketed in InxightToDo:Should Clofexamide be Approved as well?See this:https://www.wrike.com/open.htm?id=205298627