Guillaume Rischard

Results 176 comments of Guillaume Rischard

I think JOSM'S ImageryCompare uses the josm-format XML. The conversion also makes imports of entries towards josm less complicated.

Potlatch 3 also uses `imagery.json`

TODO from comments on #815: - Add `logo-url` - ~~Set `valid-georeference` to Boolean~~

Well, we're really just asking for confirmation that what we're suggesting we do (having them on is enough attribution for them. We won't be redistributing their dataset directly, so...

There's [this clarification text]( Also note that [the slovenian transcription of the PSI directive]( says: "available for use and distribution without restriction under the act governing copyright and related rights,...

I'm not aware of any similar cases, but the waiver in any language should be fine. Bilingual would be great :). If the source offers both wms and wmts, for...

Funny. The WMS is better then. The advertised capabilities are sometimes incomplete, have you tried requesting 3857 tiles from the wmts?

Cool! You can already create a pull request if you want, we can tag it as waiting for a license there. Could you add as a privacy policy url,...

Hi Christoph, This might be putting the carriage before the horse a bit. Can you first check with the various authors of editors if they want to add this property?

Thank you! Do you want to have a go at doing a geojson? I'll help you out if you get stuck. Also, we'll need a geometry and a link to...