Grim Woo
Grim Woo
Hi, thanks for development of such a nice package. Here, I wonder wether could I downloading atlas svg with selected region colored in purple like website. In [website](, we could...
How to install KlugerLab / FIt-SNE for Seurat usage in Windows 10 system ? I recently want to use this tSNE method to classify my seurat object. And I find...
thanks for developing such a magnificent software . here i encounter a problem : i set one cell as root (start ) according to [tutorial]( ```model_rooted % add_root(root_cell_id =```....
Thanks for development of such a good package. I am a new user for Monole 3. Here, I successfully create a trajectory plot according to [your guidance]( However, error happened...
Thanks for developing this great software, and I have successed in velocyto plot in the original data. However, when I subset part of the data, the show.velocity.on.embedding.cor() shown no arrow....
Hi, [Kallisto/BUSTools was recommended by Seurat]( to perform RNA isoform/alternative splicing analysis. However, I didn't find the related workflow and found nothing in GitHub with the key word "isoform". This...
thanks for developing such a magnificent software . here i encounter a problem : i want to plot the heatmap of genes of branches using ```plot_genes_branched_heatmap(monocle.tdcds,branch_point = 1,num_clusters = Num_clusters,cores...
Hi, I wonder if there was any parameter like "verbose = TRUE" to display a progress bar for nmf() procedure. Because it takes 12 hours to run nmf() without any...
Thank you for the development of Plot1Cell. This issue is related to [issue #6]( Here, I set the collor for `plot_circlize` and `add_track`. The `plot_circlize` works perfectly. But the `add_track`...