Grisha Kruglov
Grisha Kruglov
PR state as of 29/12/17 PST: - skeleton android app with "list" and "new item" activities - android logging support from Rust - JNA interface into Rust which allows creating...
In we added periodic storage maintenance calls that run once a day (or so), during startup. In we saw that this interferes with our fennec migration code, which...
Low-ish volume on Nightly. ``` mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.InternalPanic: Unexpected error: Error executing SQL: Query returned no rows at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesException$ at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesException$ErrorHandler$lift$1.invoke(places.kt:2) at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesException$ErrorHandler$lift$1.invoke(places.kt:1) at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesKt.liftFromRustBuffer(places.kt:2) at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesException$ErrorHandler.lift(places.kt:2) at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesException$ErrorHandler.lift(places.kt:1) at mozilla.appservices.places.uniffi.PlacesConnection.deleteEverythingHistory(places.kt:16)...
This is our top crash right now for the 100 nightly cycle. Happens close to startup (as we're initializing the storage): ``` mozilla.appservices.autofill.AutofillException$OpenDatabaseException at at mozilla.appservices.autofill.FfiConverterTypeAutofillError$lift$1.invoke(autofill.kt:2) at mozilla.appservices.autofill.FfiConverterTypeAutofillError$lift$1.invoke(autofill.kt:1) at...
A mirror of the same issue in A-C: The patch for A-C simply removes contents of `~/.m2/repository/org/mozilla/components` before publishing. Perhaps the same approach could work here as well (but...
Coming from - the fix in that PR shouldn't have been necessary, at least at the surface level, since the URL matching query at least makes an attempt to...
In order to better support removal of search term groups, it'll be nice to have a "delete all metadata that matches searchTerm" API. For now, we'll do this in A-C...
Currently, android-component builds accumulate in `~/.m2/repository/org/mozilla/components/`. We really only need to keep the latest build. The proposal here is: - when we determine that local publication is necessary, purge all...
Seeing this in a build, `` is having service issues. This is currently resulting in a failed task. Our tasks shouldn't fail because of something like this. We could retry...
We're not using this yet, so we can just hide this bit of API from our consumers for now. (this facilitates authorizing secondary clients, e.g. Fenix authorizing a hypothetical newMozApp,...