Greg Navis

Results 21 comments of Greg Navis

Have we made any progress on the issue? If not, we could at least make the docs mention that proxies should not be used. What do you think?

I like the idea. More generally, we could have a detector that looks for columns of type X and recommends converting to type Y. Can you think of any other...

Re 1, I'm thinking about adding a global option to make this possible. What do you think? Re 2, what kind of features were you thinking about to support this?

Re 2, how could `active_record_doctor` help there? I can imagine ensuring databases specified in `connects_to` are actually defined in `databases.yml`. What other checks were you thinking about?

@fatkodima, shouldn't both database use the same schema?

Before merging the corresponding PR, I'd like to understand your situation better, @owst. My initial reaction is we shouldn't make `active_record_doctor` compatible with implementation details of a particular test suite....

@owst, let me know what you think about the above.

I think those errors were introduced after we removed a check for `model.table_name.nil?`. We probably should reintroduce that check.

Great idea. Let's wait with development until I clear up the PR backlog.

@hlascelles, thank you for opening the issue. I'd like to clarify the meaning of "schema" here - do you mean something like a PostgreSQL schema? Or are you saying you're...