Hayden Freedman
Hayden Freedman
Firstly I want to thank you for creating this very useful tool. My team is working in the gray space between RDF/property graphs and like taking advantage of the best...
At line 2627 of `org.dllearner.reasoning.SPARQLReasoner.executeSelectQuery`, the deprecated Jena method `qe.setTimeout(timeout, timeoutUnits)` is called. As seen in the Jena code [here](https://github.com/apache/jena/blob/main/jena-arq/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/query/QueryExecution.java), this method is deprecated. This leads to an `java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not...
I'm interested in trying out this library, super cool that you put this together! However Neo4j 3.2.9 is hard to come by at this point (doesn't seem like it's distributed...
Thank you for this great library, I have found it very useful! If I run the build index command as specified in the README on Windows using the library binaries,...