Hayden Freedman
Hayden Freedman
Hi JB, Glad you think the use case is interesting. I think using embedded mode with this plugin is pretty neat because it opens the door for seamless RDF->property graph...
Thanks for the suggestion to look at the forks. I was able to use andrew-yarmola's fork to generate what I needed!
@BlueGreenMagick I experienced the same thing with andrew-yarmola fork. I also was trying to run `gds.pagerank` and ran into this issue that caused my database to be corrupted; I had...
Ah ok, gotcha. In that case I'm assuming that you ran `gds.pagerank` with `mutate` mode to modify the in-memory graph, then dumped the in-memory graph to a file and re-imported...
That makes sense, thanks for the tip!
@CronosC, no I just didn't use dl-learner. The axioms I was trying to apply were simple enough that it was trivial to write my own code. However, if you're able...
Hi kuzeko, you will notice that I deleted my comment. This is because I tried your method a second time and on the second attempt it worked. I am not...
@kuzeko Actually it didn't quite work...after I removed those three files and ran :install com.blazegraph blazegraph-gremlin 1.0.0 in Gremlin Console I got this error: ==>No signature of method: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.util.DependencyGrabber.copyDependenciesToPath() is...
I did the following steps and was able to have the blazegraph plugin show up in my :plugin list: 1. Added the line "ibiblio name="local" root="file:${user.home}/.m2/repository/" m2compatible="true"/" to my graphConfig.xml...
@jianfa Sorry to hear that. My team gave up on trying to use Gremlin with Blazegraph long ago. Ran into all sorts of problems like this throughout and eventually decided...