If the target is an entity nested inside another one, the objects world position should be used for orbiting instead of its local position
I just tried to install SimpleCV on a Raspberry Pi 3 and ran into the same problem and solution that is mentioned in this thread
The picture points to the third resistor from the right as the one to remove, but the image shows the second from the right as removed. Which one should actually...
Thank you so much for making this very handy little app. I would love to see a brief guide on how to compile from source from within Visual Studio
If I stream writes from the master (Raspberry pi) to a slave (Arduino uno) I end up with a [Error: Cannot write to device] error on the master side if...
Using Unity 2019.3.6f1. When loading the ImportSkinnedMesh from USDExamples you get this repeated error message: ``` DllNotFoundException: usdi UTJ.UsdSchema.usdiSyncImportSettings () (at Assets/UTJ/USDForUnity/Scripts/UsdSchema.cs:125) UTJ.UsdIComponentEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/UTJ/USDForUnity/Editor/UsdComponentEditor.cs:56) UTJ.UsdXformEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/UTJ/USDForUnity/Editor/UsdXformEditor.cs:12)...
Path simplification would be nice to have incorporated in here. I am currently using the implementation: