Dear author, I found that when I use Chinese UI language, some characters displayed as "口". Especially in the pop-up message in the left-buttom. Can you improve this bug? all...
Dear author, I found that if WiFi is connected, the FTP transfer speed on wired network will be limited as same as using WiFi. It happened on every version of...
Dear author, I found Lakka cannot use the "volume+" and "volume-" button, so when I run Lakka on some laptop or all-in-one computer, I need to use Lakka menu to...
### 请提出你的问题 抽取英文发票内容过程中,OCR已经正确识别出各种发票信息了,比如: Invoice Nr: 000000000000264 Sum 70435.20 A TOTAL 70435.20 接下来使用'information_extraction': from paddlenlp import Taskflow schema = ["Invoice Nr","Sum","TOTAL"] ie = Taskflow('information_extraction', schema_lang="en", ocr_lang="en", schema=schema) 结果只能抽取出小写字母对应的内容,大写的一概抽不出来: [2024-02-01 15:20:20,191] [...
Hi, dear author. Can you add a new version supporting to foobar 2.0 x64?
请提供下述完整信息以便快速定位问题/Please provide the following information to quickly locate the problem - 系统环境/System Environment:win11 python3.9 cuda11.8 - 版本号/Version: paddlenlp 2.6.1 paddleocr 2.7.3 paddlepaddle-gpu 2.6.1 - 问题相关组件/Related components:不会确定 - 运行指令/Command Code: python...
### Discussed in Originally posted by **greatliu** July 18, 2024 我使用paddlehub部署的表格识别服务: (paddlehub) great61@great61-LEGION-REN7000P-26AMR:~/Workspace/PaddleOCR-2.8.0$ export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 (paddlehub) great61@great61-LEGION-REN7000P-26AMR:~/Workspace/PaddleOCR-2.8.0$ hub serving start -c ./deploy/hubserving/structure_table/config.json /home/great61/miniconda3/envs/paddlehub/lib/python3.9/site-packages/_distutils_hack/ UserWarning: Setuptools is replacing distutils. warnings.warn("Setuptools...
#### 问题描述 / Problem Description paddle_serving部署教程中,下载完推理模型,进行转换的时候,因为ocr更新至2.8,paddple更新至2.6,转换脚本失效。 paddle的fluid时效,替换成base后,仍有很多地方失效,导致教程不能进行下去。 有py3.9能用的最新的转换脚本吗? #### 运行环境 / Runtime Environment - OS:ubuntu22.04 - Paddle:2.6.0 gpu - PaddleOCR:2.8.0 #### 复现代码 / Reproduction Code # 转换检测模型 python3 -m paddle_serving_client.convert...
### Search before asking - [X] I have searched the PaddleOCR [Docs]( and found no similar bug report. - [X] I have searched the PaddleOCR [Issues]( and found no similar...
### 🔎 Search before asking - [X] I have searched the PaddleOCR [Docs]( and found no similar bug report. - [X] I have searched the PaddleOCR [Issues]( and found no...