Hi, firend. As your reply, I just have tried all the fonts in /usr/share/retroarch-assets/pkg. Unfortunately, all of them diaplay Chinese characters as "口". And, I wish all the lakka UI...
> If you are using xmb you need to restart RetroArch after you changed the font. I confirm restarted, the problem is still unsolved.
> I can't reproduce your issue using [nightly build]( and `chinese-fallback-font.ttf`. > >  > > You have to restart RA > >  > > And Ozone menu is...
Hi, frined. I use Filezilla to transfer. I do not know how to show you screenshot, sorry. I will describe this problem with detail: 1. connect WiFi; 2. in "network...
> Hi, > > By default, it should be `-` and `+` . You can change it from `Settings tab > Input > Hotkeys > Volume Up/Down`. > > Thank...
> 若能确定是OCR抽取没有问题的话,看起来是需要通过数据标注的方式来提升效果,文档中有数据标注方式。 收到,我学习一下。
> 若能确定是OCR抽取没有问题的话,看起来是需要通过数据标注的方式来提升效果,文档中有数据标注方式。 我看完了数据标注。请问这意思,是标注一些数据让我自己去训练吗? 如果是的话,那么后面需要看哪几个文档?直到生成模型能调用为止。 刚入门,需要请教,谢谢。
> Architecture.Models.Student.Backbone.checkpoints="./fapiao/ser_vi_layoutxlm_fapiao_trained/best_accuracy/ 断点训练权重传入错误,需要填写完整路径 不好意思,刚上手这个,不太懂。 我看了下我下载的模型下的确没有/best_accuracy/ 这个文件夹。 然后这里应该是需要一个json file吧?例子应该怎样写?
> 先传入正确的路径试一下呢 我的fapiao文件夹下,只有ser_vi_layoutxlm_fapiao_trained和re_vi_layoutxlm_fapiao_trained两个模型文件,再往下就没有文件夹了。 我指向fapiao文件夹运行, (Paddle) E:\Workspace\GitHub\PaddleOCR>python tools/ -c ./configs/kie/vi_layoutxlm/ser_vi_layoutxlm_xfund_zh_udml.yml -o Architecture.Models.Student.Backbone.checkpoints="./fapiao/" Global.infer_img=./train_data/zzsfp/ val.json Global.infer_mode=False 报错为 [2024-05-10 19:30:51,225] [ WARNING] - Some weights of LayoutXLMForTokenClassification were not initialized from the model...
> 看这个总文档。 谢谢你的回答,正好我需要做中文发票抽取,用uie抽取了发票的大部分数据。有几个小需求能不能解答一下: 1.有多个重名的key,比如买方和卖方都有“名称”这一项,我试了只能抽取到固定一个; 2.竖排文本能抽取到吗?比如“购买方信息”和“销售方信息”都是竖着写的; 3.中间有空格的key怎么抽?比如“金 额”就抽取不到