Hi. Can you please advise me if it is possible to modify the removed columns plugin so that it is compatible with version 9? Before I run into this, I...
**Problem to solve** On a containerized environment running the carbone-ee container, neither the generated token `/carbone-ee-linux generate-token` nor the signing keys are stored in persistent storage and are lost each...
**Environment** Carbone Version: Carbone On-Premise: v4.20.0 (5.15.0-1056-azure #64-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 6 19:23:34 UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux) **Problem to solve** In my containerized environment (Azure Kubernetes cluster), a permanent storage...
**I'm submitting a bug report** * **Library Version:** 3.0.0-beta.1 **Please tell us about your environment:** * **Operating System:** Windows 8.1 * **Node Version:** 10.9.0 * **NPM Version:** 6.4.1 * **Webpack...