Grant Bowman
Grant Bowman
I've added a total of 845 commits to driusan/bug, first at grantbow/bug then over at grantbow/fit. I've made the close command configurable using options along with 20 other options to...
Thank you very much. I've been extending bug and implementing what I've needed. This includes some import (soon export and synch) capabilities with other bug tracking systems.
uninstall and reinstall seems to be a work around.
I don't see an easy way in the app to find the full path name. I found no difference if I had the password file open or not. On my...
the redirect from (as documented) to seems overdue and makes it feel like something has gone awry somewhere.
Yclist now needs to add the companies from batches s16, w17 and soon s17. I'm sure patches would be welcomed. The yclist status column (especially), favicons, clickable column sorting, filters...
I am personally most interested in the year of the fellowship, not a cohort number necessarily though both are important to locate a company if you already know what YC...