Results 245 comments of Geoffrey Poore

Using `\ShellEsc` to run `pygmentize` has always been somewhat fragile, and this is just the latest example of shell escaping and sanitization issues. The proper fix for this is probably...

There is not currently a way to do this. However, this is a feature I have been thinking about and something I need myself, since I sometimes need to generate...

There is now basic support for exporting solutions in Pandoc Markdown, PDF, and HTML formats in the dev version on GitHub. See `--solutions` and `--only-solutions`. I may refine this a...

I'd suggest looking at I haven't worked with custom Pygments lexers myself, but it seems like custom lexers can be treated as native as long as they are packaged...

@muellerj I've thought a little about support for other highlighters. For example, I would like something that supports TextMate grammars. Customizing the highlighting command would be one part of this,...

I've been planning per-session options for some time, just haven't managed to finish the implementation. I'm just getting back to PythonTeX development after spending the last couple months putting out...

The LaTeX part of pythontex does provide a warning in some cases when things need to be rerun. Such warnings can probably be improved in the future. However, in the...

There's a bug in the error handling code that is invoked when Pandoc fails. Currently, the error message is using `proc.stderr`, but there are failure modes where `proc` never gets...

I'd suggest trying to load `pythontex` before `babel`. I expect that `ngerman` is globally redefining `"` immediately (making it active, perhaps for umlaut), and this is interfering with `pythontex` using...

I can look into adding a note to the documentation, and at some point, I may be able to add a check for redefinitions of ASCII punctuation characters. The order...