Results 245 comments of Geoffrey Poore

I've compared this with the `figure` environment, and it is a bug. The `figure` and `listing` environments have exactly analogous definitions when the `newfloat` package option is used (and there's...

That's not currently possible, and would actually be difficult to implement since pyconsole is executed via Python's `code` module (emulate console) while pyblock is treated as a script. If you...

Something like this should do what you want. This creates a `pyconcodeblock` environment using `fancyvrb`'s `VerbatimOut`. `pyconcodeblock` saves its contents to a temp file. Then this code is brought into...

@obtitus That's something I would like to do soon. About 2 years ago, I wrote up a list of future features. A generic environment like you describe, and per-session customization...

@meisterluk Starting in PythonTeX version 0.14, the default working directory is the document root directory, rather that the `pythontex-files*` directory (since that was causing too much confusion). The above code...

@banbh Environment arguments are only available at the beginning of the environment, not at the end. You will probably want to store `#1` in a temp macro, and then use...

@banbh All of the commands like `\pyconc` take literal arguments, so you will have to do the expansion beforehand. You can try something like this (untested). ``` latex \newcommand{\expandpyconc}[1]{\expandafter\reallyexpandpyconc\expandafter{#1}} \newcommand{\reallyexpandpyconc}[1]{\pyconc{exec(compile(open('#1',...

@cccccp There isn't a built-in way to put boxes around the console commands and environments. But you can use the `tcolorbox` package or other framing packages to put boxes around...

Based on your second link, it appears that `flushend` is incompatible with `lineno`, which `minted` loads for line breaking. If you can do without line breaking, then you can prevent...

@damnms For a case like this, I'd suggest `\Verb` from `fvextra`, which `minted` loads internally: ``` Hello world \Verb[breaklines,breakanywhere]|openwrt-22.03.0-rc1-mvebu-cortexa9-cznic_turris-omnia-sysupgrade.img.gz| ``` `\Verb` has some capabilities that currently don't exist with `\mintinline`.