Results 245 comments of Geoffrey Poore

@nathancarter Sorry for the lack of progress on this. What you've provided on the Python side looks like it would provide basic functionality for stdout and stderr. I think the...

@nathancarter Those distinctions are helpful. For the things I do, rich output is really the only reason to ever use a Jupyter kernel outside of a Jupyter notebook. To support...

It looks like there's a bug in `minted`'s use of the line breaking features from `fvextra` that only shows up with the `text` lexer (missing `\FancyVerbBreakStart...\FancyVerbBreakStop` wrapping entire text, since...

Thanks for this! It mostly looks fine from a quick glance at the code...I'll do a more detailed check before merging. One thing I did notice is ```python def append_quiz_allowed_attempts(self,...

This would be a nice feature, and I will add it to the list of things to look into in the future. Unfortunately, it would require some significant modifications. I...

This is due to `breaklines`. The code is typeset once (with the results discarded) to determine if line breaking will be needed, and then a second time (actually used in...

Everything from `\py` is formatted by `pytex.formatter()`. By default, this is `str()` under Python 3 and `unicode()` under Python 2. All you would need to get this working is a...

It's in ``. There is a `set_formatter()` method called by the utils class `__init__()` that creates `formatter()`. The `set_formatter()` is mostly there to deal with the context-sensitive `sympy_latex()` method. There...

Just to make sure I'm clear on when this is happening, were you trying to bring back a huge chunk of text using `\py`, and then after the error had...

The [linked TeX.SE code]( is creating a single, long string. So the problem there is that the line is too long. It shouldn't be hard to detect that sort of...