Results 245 comments of Geoffrey Poore

The issue here is that `minted` gives Pygments the gobble setting multiple times (once for global, once for inline, and once for new commands: `-F gobble:n=2 -F gobble:n=0 -F gobble:n=0`),...

I'm still interested in having `add_dependencies()` take both individual files as well as directories. In the case of directories, that will require walking the tree. In principle, this won't be...

Can you provide a minimal example?

That's a bug. It only occurs with `numberblanklines=false`, so you can disable that for now to fix highlighting.

Thanks for creating the stub. I've done a little editing and added some additional details and links. There aren't any other sources to cite yet...I have a paper under review...

I created the package for Python because that's what I primarily use now, but since the beginning I've wanted to be able to add other languages. If nothing else, just...

There are quite a few users, given the questions on TeX.SE, the watchers/stars/forks on GitHub, the web and twitter references, and the emails I've received and people I've met. But...

Thanks. I also have a copy of some of it. I will leave this open for now, and wait and see where things are later this year.

Thanks for that. Other possible references (a talk from TUG 2013, and related paper): - - I still don't know if this would be enough to make the...

All the pygmentize commands could be switched to use `-o ` to eliminate the redirect issue @muzimuzhi pointed out. If cleanup isn't an issue, then `\DeleteFile` isn't needed, which removes...