Hi! Congrats on the library. Works great. I'd like to add an easter egg to my app, appearing on a combination of keys a friend an I know from our...
Hello there! Any idea how you would deploy this to Netlify, as can be done out-of-the-box with a normal create-react-app? Thanks
After a long period of tinkering, I found out the library installs itself as a global 'index' object. Should be configurable, right?
Hello Chris, This repo is the only thing that sheds some real light on how to manage UI/Design systems on Vue on the web. Thank you for that. I've been...
Hello! Your idea is fantastic and it just plain works. This might be a dumb question but, if I'm importing JS and CSS as static assets from say Github through...
Hi! Please accept this PR to correct your example. Best!
Hey guys! First, thank you for all the hard work on your bundlers. I have a question regarding the Vue bundler, which I struggled with last week. I would like...
Are you maintaining this @LesserChance ?