Luke Gordon
Luke Gordon
Thanks for leaving the fix @rue-bwebb , this helped me out significantly 🙌
For anyone that stumbles on this in the future, you can leverage the `._flatpickr` object on an element to access the flatpickr instance & copy the value using `._flatpickr.setDate`. **Note:**...
@brandly if you haven't solved this yet, you can accomplish this by doing something like this (notice the .* prefix): ``` [ignore] .*/node_modules/electron-packager/test/fixtures/infer-malformed-json/package.json ```
For others that hit this, it's pretty easy to work around by overwriting the authorize_url. Example for those using Devise: ```ruby config.omniauth :linkedin, ENV['LINKEDIN_APP_ID'], ENV['LINKEDIN_APP_SECRET'], { scope: 'r_liteprofile,r_emailaddress', authorize_url: "{ENV['LINKEDIN_APP_ID']}"...