omniauth-linkedin-oauth2 copied to clipboard
You need to pass the "client_id" parameter
Getting this error: You need to pass the "client_id" parameter when I add the client_id manually to the url and hit return it works fine? screenshot:
I'm having the same issue. Did you figure out what is causing this ?
No I never got a response
This is caused by the client_id not being put into the linkedin log in URL. Has anyone encountered a problem like that before?
Hi there, did anyone figure out a way?
For others that hit this, it's pretty easy to work around by overwriting the authorize_url.
Example for those using Devise:
config.omniauth :linkedin, ENV['LINKEDIN_APP_ID'], ENV['LINKEDIN_APP_SECRET'], {
scope: 'r_liteprofile,r_emailaddress',
authorize_url: "{ENV['LINKEDIN_APP_ID']}"