1. Cache音同Cash,不是Cake 2. OSX 10.11是E**L** Capitan,不是Ei Capitan,也不是Ei captain
The screen shows that you have 1920*1080@239Hz. What model is your monitor? We don't have monitors with that refresh rate. Maybe that's the season why UI lags.
I'm having the same issue, and I'm using mini-DP port with 4k. (It works fine on a real mac in the same network.)
@osy86 it's not working, even if disabling WEG in installer. I think the root cause is shiki for soft/hardware DRM decode. Additionally, I did extensive tests, but no luck. System:...
Here's some quick results, @osy86 | weg | shikigva (w/o shiki-id) | AppleGVA.plist | tv-app result | |-------|-------------------------|----------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1.3.5 | 256 | w & w/o | won't play |...
I'm afraid the result is still the same. either with shikigva=208 or iGPU disabled in BIOS. Maybe it's better to wait for some test results by someone else (to ensure...
@osy86 Thank you for your hard work. Nice try.
因为我根本不想用电信的iptv机顶盒及其app,所以我都是直接用回放源ip+自己的播放器来播放的。 这次sh telecom撤掉了公网播放,所以也需要进行一些改动。记录一下简单的步骤吧。 1. 先按lz前几楼的教程,先把光猫上的iptv 的vlan 85给设置好。 本步骤成功的标志: - 电脑不接其他网络,只接光猫iptv 的vlan 85口,能够通过dhcp 拿到 23.xx.xx.xx的地址,能够通过播放器看到视频 补充说明: - 本步骤没有有线网卡的设备会比较难测试。如果你没有条件测试,但觉得光猫设置的没问题,可直接进入第2步。 - (可选)电脑测试时,其实也可以测试一下同时上网+iptv(比如有线+wifi)。只需保证上网的网卡优先级优于iptv网络网卡优先级,并按后面的ip列表设置route table即可(具体就不说了,愿意做这个测试的自然知道怎么弄)。 2. 路由器设置dual wan 软路由和asus 梅林都比较好设置,略过不说。如果能在路由器的第二wan里看到,就说明已经成功了。 本步骤成功标志: - 能够看到上述iptv专网下发的ip段、网关。 - 不同城市区域的网关地址都不一样,需要你自己拿到。同一个区域的网关一般都不怎么变。...
Thanks for your advice, I will warn the users about this. I love Office, and I want to use Office 2016 smoothly on a 128GB Mac. That's the initial goal...
I just updated the script. Is this issue fixed?