Hello, I want to do object detection with YOLOV7. Is it possible to integrate yolov7 into this repository? Like the logic in this project, I want my determined targets to...
Hello, I am using the Noetic version and I have a rplidar a2m12 lidar. I want to use LaserScanAngularBoundsFilter, the launch and yaml file for this is as follows: launch:...
Hi, Thank you for your work. When I add the following lines in the reprojection.py file "for i in range(len(img_points)): try: cv2.circle(img, (np.int32(round(img_points[i][0])),np.int32(round(img_points[i][1]))), laser_point_radius, (0,255,0), 1) print((np.int32(round(img_points[i][0]))),np.int32(round(img_points[i][1]))))" The following values...
Can I produce pointcloud2 data and publish it from the steps taken in the reprojection.py file, especially in the def callback function? If I understand correctly, pointcloud data is already...
Thanks so much for the work. I hve some questions: Approximately how much marking data do I need to collect? After calibrating once on the fixed system, do I need...