Michael Goerz

Results 118 comments of Michael Goerz

This might also be a solution for #39

They just moved it to https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/4.6.0/_downloads/52a95608c49671267e40c689e0bc00ca/conda-cheatsheet.pdf

I might like this as well, for unpacking keyword arguments: ~~~ julia> kwargs = Dict(:a => 1, :b=> 2) Dict{Symbol, Int64} with 2 entries: :a => 1 :b => 2...

@danielwe Can I assign you to this issue?

So if we define `BogoliubovSpace`, we don't need a `BogoliubovOperatorSymbol`?

> If possible, I think `BogoliubovSpace` should work like any other Hilbert space in this regard, and be a valid space to parametrize an `OperatorSymbol` with. I can see that...

I have no objections to the generalization. `CanonicalTransformation` would work for me, but I'm concerned about `CanonicalSpace`, because that sounds like it refers to the canonical space (aka the `LocalSpace`,...

Assuming we fully deal with #90 (properly separate out Bosonic/Fermionic/N-level operators), would our `CanonicalTransformation` also cover simple unitary transformations of the basis? Like, going from the computational basis to the...

Yeah, I think so. But anyway, just something to keep in mind...

I'm not sure I understand the point about the harmonic oscillator. Is ZPM referring to the zero point energy? I think that would be at the level of the user,...