Michael Goerz

Results 118 comments of Michael Goerz

Related question on Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54068308/override-gitattributes-from-command-line

A problem with `git-gutter` that will prevent this approach is the presence of `--no-ext-diff` in https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter/blob/1d422b9f98194e38bc56e54192c9bc66d95c21f1/autoload/gitgutter/diff.vim#L135 Edit: actually, this can help in some way, as it disables the standard `nbdime`...

In theory, assuming `nbdime` is installed, the following settings *should* make it work with `git-gutter`: ~~~ let g:gitgutter_git_args = "-c diff.jupyternotebook.textconv='jupytext --from=ipynb --to=md -o -'" let g:gitgutter_diff_args = "--textconv" ~~~...

There is no `g:jupytext_extension_map`. This is not a user-configurable mapping. The keys in `s:jupytext_extension_map` should be all the formats that `jupytext` supports, and if `jupytext` gains new formats, that dict...

Is this something that can be fixed within `Pkg`, or is this a bug that should be reported to `CPUSummary`? I hope this can be fixed soon. It's pretty irritating...

See also the working test runs on Travis after pinning `pytest-cov` to 2.6.1: https://travis-ci.org/qucontrol/krotov/jobs/528675984 and https://travis-ci.org/goerz/krotov/jobs/528676409 (the latter one fixing the previous broken run https://travis-ci.org/goerz/krotov/jobs/528562228 on the same repo)


I would propose just using a double blank line to separate consecutive markdown cells. In the notebook to markdown conversion, simply add a blank line *before and after* every text...

I've run into this problem as well. The root cause is a rather subtle difference in how subprocesses are spawned in Windows vs Linux. As of Python 3.8, the problem...

Also see https://qucontrol.github.io/krotov/v1.0.0/notebooks/08_example_ensemble.html (cell 2), which is where I ran into this.