Michael Goerz

Results 118 comments of Michael Goerz

Isn’t that what #222 is about?

Is there any workaround for a headless server, where using an X11 pinentry program is not possible?

Environment variables seem like a good way to handle this, yeah

Ah, I found that ~~~ let g:julia_indent_align_brackets = 0 ~~~ solves this. Two comments: * Since the README for this plugin has quite a lot of information, it didn't occur...

Of course, the README actually *says* that it's incomplete, but I missed that part, skimming through ;-)

If you don't mind hacking on the indent script, I think https://github.com/goerz/vimrc/commit/1785628e9c345df3cc117a5dafb88ac1a4ffa72c fixes this behavior.

Issues with font rendering are unlikely to be connected to this plugin. What happens when you just directly paste `ẗ` into the terminal (outside of vim/julia)? I'm quite sure it's...

@docktermj Can you clarify whether this is the same problem as #12008?

[noblock] I’m not sure the lowercase first letter is OK for a Julia package. In addition, could you add a paragraph to the README to give some context for the...

There’s absolutely no implication of “affiliativeness” by having ESA as part of the package name. I would treat descriptiveness and clarity as pretty much the only consideration for choosing the...