Hemant Kumar

Results 47 issues of Hemant Kumar

It would be good to have a flow diagram that describes volume expansion flow. /assign


Also overload meaning of readonly expansion on node. xref https://github.com/container-storage-interface/spec/issues/423

Sometimes a CO may not accurately be able to verify if volume is already published to a node or not when calling `ControllerExpandVolume` RPC call and in that case an...

We need to fix wording for these RPC calls whenever csiv2 lands. xref - https://github.com/container-storage-interface/spec/pull/397

Since `capacity` field in `NodeExpandVolumeResponse` is optional, it presents a problem for CSI driver that only implement node side expansion. In that case, if a CSI driver does not report...

We have come across an issue where the CSI spec does not offer enough clarification about what happens if `NodeUnstageVolume` is called while `NodeStageVolume` is in-progress for same volume and...

The GCP CSI driver does not emit cloudprovider metrics which are emitted by intree cloudprovider. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/staging/src/k8s.io/legacy-cloud-providers/gce/metrics.go


It looks some sync fail with following error: ``` {"level":"error","time":"2022-03-14T22:49:04.266550924Z","caller":"volume/manager.go:1103","msg":"failed to update volume. updateSpec: \"(*types.CnsVolumeMetadataUpdateSpec)(0xc00107b5f0)({\\n DynamicData: (types.DynamicData) {\\n },\\n VolumeId: (types.CnsVolumeId) {\\n DynamicData: (types.DynamicData) {\\n },\\n Id: (string) (len=36) \\\"ba096274-d1ce-41c1-953b-6bda7b74945b\\\"\\n...

# Enhancement Description - One-line enhancement description (can be used as a release note): Allow users to recover from volume expansion failure - Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal: (link to kubernetes/enhancements file,...
