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Java libraries implementing the IVOA protocol: ADQL, UWS and TAP
Hi, I'm trying to define a UDF with the following signature: `INTERSECTION(region1 region, region2 region) -> region` I provided a class that implements it and it works, but if I...
Hi @gmantele. I noticed some ADQL queries using UDFs that are declared to return `POINT` values are not being parsed as I'd expect; if they are used as the argument...
Hi Greg, The following query ```sql SELECT TOP 1 qual AS "flux.qual" FROM flux ``` Returns a column `qual` where `flux.` is removed. This is an unexpected behaviour as this...
Hi, I was notified by @mbtaylor that the `capabilities` endpoint from our TAP service does not follow the TAPRegExt recommendation as it lacks the `ivo-id` attribute for the relevant output...
I am trying to upgrade my TAP implementation from Spring Boot 2 to 3. Among other things, this moves to Jakarta EE (meaning Servlet 6.0, Tomcat 10...) UWS uses Java...
I am trying to port my TAP server to the adqLib 2.0, and I noticed that it doesn't find the user defined functions. With adqlLib-1.5 I just added them to...
It would make each library easier to consume in other projects if they were each separately [published in a maven repository](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/publishing_maven.html) - preferably [maven central ](https://central.sonatype.org/publish/publish-gradle/) or perhaps more easily...
See #146. The registry part of the IVOID should be assessed case-insensitively according to section 2.1 of the IVOID standard (https://www.ivoa.net/documents/IVOAIdentifiers/).
Language Features currently need canonical capitalisation of the feature type in order to be recognised, for instance if I create a feature like this: ``` new LanguageFeature(""ivo://ivoa.net/std/TAPRegExt#features-adqlgeo", "CIRCLE") ``` it...
The ADQL-2.1 branch is used since a few months in production by @mbtaylor's Starjava suite (STILTS, Topcat etc), and I am upgrading these packages for Debian. This requires an ADQL...