Glenn Condron
Glenn Condron
What registration syntax would you expect to see for this check? I assume it is an IHealthCheck that wraps another IHealthCheck, what would it look like to register that?
We aren't 100% sure of which release we will align this to. But we should decide on that shortly and I can update you.
To achieve this we are thinking that you accept the IHealthCheckService in a controller and use MVC. It is trivial to do in a controller and gives you full control.
You can do this with the current middleware by adding a healthcheck that looks for the existence of a file or some other flag from an operator. Right?
I am totally ok with turning this into an actual site with guidance on more topics above what I talked about for dotnetConf if that's what people want to see...
Was going to log an issue on this but found this. IMO unsealing them and also adding a constructor option to pass `Name` and such in would help this pattern....
Also include the UI as a `WithOllamaUI` like we do RedisCommander and friends.