Gleb Mazovetskiy

Results 103 issues of Gleb Mazovetskiy

`malloc.h` is deprecated and does not exist on macOS. `stdlib.h` provides malloc.

Void elements as [described in the HTML spec]( should not start a [CommonMark HTML block](, because void elements cannot have any content. The void elements are: > area base br...

Void elements as [described in the HTML spec]( should not start a [CommonMark HTML block](, because void elements cannot have any content. The void elements are: > area base br...

Previously, these only ran on Travis.

repro; ```scss x { @extend #{&}; @extend #{&}; } ``` output: ``` Error: "x" failed to @extend "x". The selector "x" was not found. ``` expected output: `` (empty, no...


For large-enough files (100KiB+), the in-place output always gets cut off. I'm guessing the buffer does not get flushed / the file handle does not get closed?

This causes the folded style to not apply unless `line_width:` is passed explicitly: ``` console > s = 'asjfal sf;lkasfj;aslkfaj slfkasfkajf a;slkfjaslkfaslkfj aslkfjaslkf asklfj askl fjaklsfj aslkfjaslfjaslkfjlkffjsa' > Psych.dump(s, line_width:...

At Thredded, we use SimpleCov and run rspec 3 times with different `SimpleCov.command_name`. SimpleCov reports the coverage correctly: > Coverage report generated for test:js, test:migrations, test:nojs to /home/travis/build/thredded/thredded/coverage. 3584 /...

Adds move constructor and move assignment to `Trie`, allowing modern C++ code to use it without a pointer indirection. Based on top of #38

This allows implementing C++ forward iterator interface on top of the Agent more efficiently. C++ iterators must be copyable, and the only way to copy one previously was to repeat...