Results 10 issues of cDR

The docker image (cdignam/kodiak:v0.52.0) mentioned in the docs for selfhosting does not have a great reputation when it comes to security. A trivy scan shows 199 critical issues in the...


### What happened? Helm install/upgrade does not work with allInOne enabled; ``` provisionDataStore: cassandra: false elasticsearch: false kafka: false allInOne: enabled: true ``` ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install with...


Hi, I noticed that I receive timeouts when reloading a page at random, after inspecting this issue I found that this code is still present and active even when disabling...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It would be nice if kubeclarity can be installed on arm64 nodes **Describe the solution you'd like** multi arch docker...

Hi, Any chance for arm64 support? I'd like to test this on my raspberry cluster.


### Kyverno Version 1.8.0 ### Description Hi, After upgrading to Kyverno 1.8.0 I noticed this errors on Kubernetes 1.22.6; ``` I1011 15:02:30.144429 1 logr.go:261] dynamic-client "msg"="schema not found" "apiVersion"="" "error...


It seems you can't use a dict as a key with current version, it gives the following error. ``` Failed to load ext_pillar vault: 'dict' object has no attribute 'startswith'...

The release label can be used to specifiy the Prometheus instance. In a release label is already added generating this error; ``` line 11: mapping key "release" already defined...

kind/help wanted

Hi, I ran into an issue where the etcd-operator fails to bring up the etcd cluster, this happened after a crash of all my Kubernetes nodes. The etcd-operator tries to...

**What steps did you take and what happened:** After upgrading to version 0.20.0 I noticed that the trivy-operator process consumes a lot more memory. Previous version was able to run...
