
Results 8 comments of Ed

For me, my karma.config.js was missing this: ``` customLaunchers: { chromeHeadlessNoSandbox: { base: 'ChromeHeadless', flags: ['--no-sandbox'] } }, ```

for the record, the color has to be defined in: android/app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml ``` #1B457E ``` Then the icon will be colored with the myBlue color. Hope it helps someone.

Is this still an issue? Currently I'm working with the latest version of the extensions API and this is happening to me. It seems the call to `await event.getMarksAsync();` is...

@johnDance yes. I've verified that the event triggers when you click on it and also when you move somewhere else to select something else. thanks.

I also fixed the "The given value is not suitable for child module string required." `variable "app_subnet_ids" { type = "list" } variable "gateway_subnet_ids" { type = "list" description =...

This is happening to me. The OpenSearch is not in a VPC but I'm getting that error. This is through SAM/CloudFormation. What are we supposed to do?

any updates? I need to invoke a lambda running locally but it is connecting to an S3 bucket that is locked. I need to know how do I add permissions...