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OpenSearch: Bug in Describe-Domain API is causing CFN GetAtt "Internal error occurred"

Open automartin5000 opened this issue 3 years ago • 34 comments

What is the problem?

When you create an OpenSearch Domain with a VPC and then attempt to reference that endpoint in the AWS CDK (thereby creating a GetAtt reference in CloudFormation), the Domain creates successfully, but then the CloudFormation resource (Fargate) that attempts to reference the endpoint returns an "Internal error occurred" (see attached screenshot). Additional findings from research detailed in "Other information" below. Screen Shot 2022-01-02 at 21 45 28

Reproduction Steps

self.opensearch_domain = opensearch.Domain(self, "OpenSearchIndices",
        "slow_search_log_enabled": True,
        "app_log_enabled": True,
        "slow_index_log_enabled": True
        "enabled": True
    removal_policy = self.data_resources_removal_policy
self.opensearch_endpoint = self.opensearch_domain.domain_endpoint 

What did you expect to happen?

All resource created successfully

What actually happened?

CloudFormation Stack rollback due resource creation failure. (Screenshot from above re-attached here) Screen Shot 2022-01-02 at 21 45 28

CDK CLI Version


Framework Version

No response

Node.js Version



Mac OS 12.1



Language Version


Other information

I noticed that I didn't have this problem when creating a public OpenSearch Domain. So I thought it might have something to do with how the API is returning domain endpoints with Domains created in a VPC vs public Domains.

I created a public Domain and then ran aws opensearch describe-domain against both the Domain created with the CDK and the test public Domain. Here were the results:

# Public Domain
~ % aws opensearch describe-domain --domain-name test | jq '.DomainStatus.Endpoint'
# Domain in VPC
~ % aws opensearch describe-domain --domain-name dataindic-xxxxxxxxx | jq '.DomainStatus.Endpoint' 
~ % aws opensearch describe-domain --domain-name dataindic-xxxxx | jq '.DomainStatus.Endpoints'
  "vpc": ""

As you can see, the Endpoint value is null for Domains in the VPC. Instead, it appears to put that value in a new key called "Endpoints". It appears that maybe CloudFormation wasn't updated to support the new "Endpoints" key or OpenSearch should be publishing endpoints for Domains in the VPC.

I understand that this might be a CloudFormation or OpenSearch bug, but until those teams sort it out, it's obviously a bug in the AWS CDK. And it seems like this is something the CDK could maybe work around for the time being with a custom resource. Example:

opensearch_client = boto3.client('opensearch')
opensearch_domain_details = opensearch_client.describe_domain(
opensearch_endpoint = opensearch_domain_details.get('Endpoint') or opensearch_domain_details.get('Endpoints')['vpc']

automartin5000 avatar Jan 03 '22 03:01 automartin5000

Thanks for the very thorough detail @automartin5000.

I've reported this internally, tracking: V498467686

peterwoodworth avatar Jan 05 '22 00:01 peterwoodworth

Hey @automartin5000, according to the teams internally this bug has been fixed. Please try to redeploy your stack. If you still run into this error, would you be able to share your stack ID so that the teams can troubleshoot?

peterwoodworth avatar Jan 06 '22 18:01 peterwoodworth

This issue has not received a response in a while. If you want to keep this issue open, please leave a comment below and auto-close will be canceled.

github-actions[bot] avatar Jan 08 '22 20:01 github-actions[bot]

Thanks so much @peterwoodworth for the fast action on this! I'll give this a test early next week and see if it works.

automartin5000 avatar Jan 09 '22 05:01 automartin5000

Ok, so I was actually just able to test this and not only is it still failing, there's another new concerning error.

For some reason, CloudFormation felt that it needed to update the IAM policies of the task definitions. Upon attempting to do so, and pulling the OpenSearch ARN that I previously had to add to all the IAM policies so our containers could manually describe-domain and get the OpenSearch endpoint, CloudFormation threw a new Internal error: Unable to retrieve Arn attribute for AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain, with error message Internal error occurred. See screenshot.

Screen Shot 2022-01-09 at 01 11 31

And as I said, getting the domain endpoint is still failing, see screenshot.

Screen Shot 2022-01-09 at 01 36 09

automartin5000 avatar Jan 09 '22 06:01 automartin5000

I'm so sorry this fell off my radar. @automartin5000 I assume you're still running into this issue yes? I'll follow up with the teams internally

peterwoodworth avatar Jan 21 '22 00:01 peterwoodworth

Oh, and if you're able to provide your stack ID here that would be a big help for the teams internally, but I understand if you aren't able to.

peterwoodworth avatar Jan 21 '22 00:01 peterwoodworth

Thanks for the follow up on this @peterwoodworth. Last I checked was when I posted above and it was still broken. I don't think those stacks are there anymore, so I don't have a stack ID provide. But if the engineering team is convinced the bug is fixed, I can try to test it again sometime in the next week.

automartin5000 avatar Jan 21 '22 03:01 automartin5000

That would be much appreciated @automartin5000, thank you 🙂

peterwoodworth avatar Jan 21 '22 21:01 peterwoodworth

having the same issue here. deploying AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain to a VPC is resulting in Internal Failure. Cfn rolls back and the Domain eventually is provisioned successfully

stowns avatar Feb 02 '22 14:02 stowns

FYI, I had this error several times yesterday and after making no changes this just worked today. It appears to be a transient Internal Failure that the Service team(s) need to take a look at

stowns avatar Feb 02 '22 16:02 stowns

Thank you very much @stowns, I'll pass this information on

peterwoodworth avatar Feb 02 '22 18:02 peterwoodworth

Hey @automartin5000 and @stowns, if either of you are able to share a stack id of even a deleted stack that would be very helpful in finding the root cause of the issue. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, is it possible to open a support case directly with aws and share the stack id there?

peterwoodworth avatar Feb 02 '22 19:02 peterwoodworth

Ok, I just created a stack and the OpenSearch Endpoint was populated correctly in the task definition. So seems like it's fixed now.

automartin5000 avatar Feb 05 '22 18:02 automartin5000

This is happening to me. The OpenSearch is not in a VPC but I'm getting that error. This is through SAM/CloudFormation.


What are we supposed to do?

github4es avatar Feb 11 '22 17:02 github4es

@peterwoodworth I'm also seeing this, specifically in CDK when I reference the domainEndpoint (ex. for the environment of a lambda function) it fails with Unable to retrieve DomainEndpoint attribute for AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain, with error message Internal error occurred. The search domain is not in a VPC, and the stack works if I don't try to reference the domain. Stack ID: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:261515715507:stack/dev-nmls-backend/dc6198a0-8d26-11ec-af7a-12770bae9a0b

jbrown avatar Feb 14 '22 04:02 jbrown

Thank you very much for providing a stack arn @jbrown, there's a ticket open internally for the service team to investigate and fix this, this will be a big help in finding the root cause 🙂

peterwoodworth avatar Feb 14 '22 18:02 peterwoodworth

@peterwoodworth Upon further investigation this morning it seems (in my case) there's one specific way this produces an error and it may actually be in the serverless-stack code. I'll report back here after I hear from them.

jbrown avatar Feb 14 '22 18:02 jbrown

I had the same error when i changed: VolumeSize: 20 to VolumeSize: 5

I do not know if that helps...

lxhunter avatar Feb 19 '22 16:02 lxhunter

Hi, I saw a similar error and opened an AWS support case (but didn't get my problem resolved there). I am able to reliably reproduce the error with a small snippet of (mostly) vanilla CDK code :

import * as os from "monocdk/aws-opensearchservice";
import * as lambda from "monocdk/aws-lambda";
import {SecurityGroup, SubnetType, Vpc} from "monocdk/aws-ec2";
import {App, RemovalPolicy, Stack, Tags} from "monocdk";
export class TestStack extends DeploymentStack {
    constructor(parent: App, id: string, props: TestStackProps) {
       super(parent, id, {// company specific boilerplate})
       const vpc = new Vpc(this, 'TheVPC', {
            cidr: "",
            maxAzs: 1
        const devDomain = new os.Domain(this, 'Domain', {
            version: os.EngineVersion.ELASTICSEARCH_7_10,
            vpc: vpc,
            enforceHttps: true,
            removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            const func = new lambda.Function(this, "Func" + i, {
                runtime: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_8,
                handler: "test",
                environment: {
                    "ES_ENDPOINT": devDomain.domainEndpoint,
                vpc: vpc,
                allowPublicSubnet: false,
                code: new lambda.InlineCode(`import os
def test(event, context):
  return os.environ`)
            Tags.of(func).add("endpoint", devDomain.domainEndpoint);
            //Tags.of(func).add("arn", devDomain.domainArn);

Looking at the CloudTrail logs, it appears that there are throttling exceptions on the ListTags and DescribeDomain operations. Most likely it was caused by a throttling on this DescribeDomain request (the last one). I was unable to find any more details about the requests.

    "eventVersion": "1.08",
    "userIdentity": {/*removed*/}
    "eventTime": "2022-02-24T13:52:31Z",
    "eventSource": "",
    "eventName": "DescribeDomain",
    "awsRegion": "us-west-2",
    "sourceIPAddress": "",
    "userAgent": "",
    "errorCode": "ThrottlingException",
    "errorMessage": "Rate exceeded",
    "requestParameters": null,
    "responseElements": null,
    "requestID": "c70a9982-c6a1-4cfe-861a-53667e144e50",
    "eventID": "ee0d4410-a20c-4903-87f4-d5cda62c000c",
    "readOnly": true,
    "eventType": "AwsApiCall",
    "managementEvent": true,
    "recipientAccountId": "970187786794",
    "eventCategory": "Management"

Additionally, it does appear to be a throttling issue on API calls, as reducing the number of Lambda functions from 10 to 1 allows the stack to create successfully. I am not entirely sure how CloudFormation does the tagging, but it appears to make an API call for each tag, which could be quite a lot for a Lambda function in a VPC (associated with a security group and IAM role at least).

Stack ID: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:970187786794:stack/TestStack-beta-us-west-2/cdc86410-94e0-11ec-a667-023be3ac2b21

(Issue is reproducible in us-east-1 as well).

The workaround I'm currently trying with success is reducing the number of Fn::GetAtt calls to the domain resource by eliminating excess tags. Maybe you could also try to "spread out" the API requests by interleaving them with resources that take longer to create using CDK's dependency mechanism.

jwang1048 avatar Feb 24 '22 13:02 jwang1048

Yes, the service team has gotten back to me and confirmed for the stack arns available, that all of them were due to the throttling limits.

I'm working with them on getting the error message improved, to make it clear to the user what the failure is being caused by

peterwoodworth avatar Feb 24 '22 17:02 peterwoodworth

@peterwoodworth I think this is more than a non-informative error message (and user education) - it does not occur when using the AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain resource where I am able to create at least 15 Lambda functions with tags. There are also throttling errors in CloudTrail there, but the difference is that the service doesn't "give up" creating the resource on the first throttle. There needs to be a retry policy with spaced out requests, as the issue fails some deployments 100% of the time.

Example of a throttling on the DescribeElasticsearchDomain API call (using the old AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain)

    "eventVersion": "1.08",
    "userIdentity": {
        "type": "AssumedRole",
         // Additional fields removed
        "invokedBy": ""
    "eventTime": "2022-02-24T15:19:32Z",
    "eventSource": "",
    "eventName": "DescribeElasticsearchDomain",
    "awsRegion": "us-west-2",
    "sourceIPAddress": "",
    "userAgent": "",
    "errorCode": "ThrottlingException",
    "errorMessage": "Rate exceeded",
    "requestParameters": null,
    "responseElements": null,
    "requestID": "a673e667-0d7b-4fc7-936a-7268d2189eae",
    "eventID": "bff22dd7-709c-4e58-8cef-d86fd3e5e726",
    "readOnly": true,
    "eventType": "AwsApiCall",
    "managementEvent": true,
    "recipientAccountId": "970187786794",
    "eventCategory": "Management"

jwang1048 avatar Feb 24 '22 18:02 jwang1048

In my case it was caused because I was passing the endpoint URL to a lambda (CustomResource) on each call (which I guess caused resolution of the attribute multiple times + throttling).

I changed it to environment variable in the lambda and its solved now.

PS: However I think this should be fixed in AWS/CDK-side by implementing retries with backoff (or whatever the mechanism), I can't apply this solution for all our use-cases and also this essentially limits the amount of resources you can deploy within your CDK...

TinoSM avatar Feb 25 '22 15:02 TinoSM

Yes, the service team has gotten back to me and confirmed for the stack arns available, that all of them were due to the throttling limits.

I'm working with them on getting the error message improved, to make it clear to the user what the failure is being caused by

@peterwoodworth I could imagine this being our issue too, although we only have 5 task definitions using that value. This seems like something CloudFormation should just auto-retry?

automartin5000 avatar Feb 25 '22 17:02 automartin5000

Having this issue as well because of throttling as I have many lambdas.

An error occurred: VideobarcodeLambdaFunction - Unable to retrieve DomainEndpoint attribute for AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain, with error message Internal error occurred..

spullara avatar Mar 29 '22 18:03 spullara

@peterwoodworth any news on an actual fix for this, retries with backoff or some such as @TinoSM and @automartin5000 recommend.

I've just hit this in the middle of updating an Opensearch cluster from Elasticsearch 7.10 to Opensearch 1.2, and it's an AWFUL experience, as the rollback fails each time because upgrading from Elasticsearch 7.10 to Opensearch 1.2 cannot be reversed. I'm having to skip rolling back the cluster, and then try and roll forward again until hopefully eventually I'll manage an deploy without hitting throttling limits.

As the others say, this is certainly something that should be handled AWS side, we have no control over Cloudformation and the operations it performs, we should not be having to account for Cloudformation failing to deal reasonably with throttling. Honestly, I'm somewhat shocked that Cloudformation doesn't have global handling of the backoffs and retries needed for dealing with throttling limits.

SamStephens avatar Apr 12 '22 03:04 SamStephens

To prevent to hit Cloudformation limits, is there a way in CDK to resolve the domain endpoint once in a variable, instead of resolving it once per task definition / lambda?

zessx avatar Apr 27 '22 14:04 zessx

To prevent to hit Cloudformation limits, is there a way in CDK to resolve the domain endpoint once in a variable, instead of resolving it once per task definition / lambda?

The API calls are being down by cloudformation and not the CDK so I think this has be fixed upstream in that system.

spullara avatar Apr 27 '22 15:04 spullara

You can work around this issue by using CDK's dependency mechanism to slow down the API requests. If you have multiple resources (e.g. A, B, C, D) accessing OpenSearch Domain attributes, you can make them execute one after the other (rather than simultaneously) with D.node.addDependency(C); C.node.addDependency(B); B.node.addDependency(A); - see details in the docs.

You can also attempt more drastic solutions like using a Lambda custom resource or Systems Manager parameters, but I think the dependency mechanism is the simplest way to do it.

Some time ago, @peterwoodworth asked for an update on the tracking ticket but there is no update to share at this time. I don't work for AWS (hence not involved in the prioritization of issues) but adding a +1 to this issue may help to get a faster resolution.

jwang1048 avatar Apr 27 '22 17:04 jwang1048

You can work around this issue by using CDK's dependency mechanism to slow down the API requests.

Node dependencies are a great workaround, I've been able to use them and avoid hitting limits. It really slows down my deploy when I need to refresh my task definitions (as I've got dozens of them), but in the end I still gain time.

I was not aware of this feature, and it's really, REALLY interesting for some other use cases of mine, thanks!

zessx avatar May 20 '22 07:05 zessx