Results 5 issues of Hongbo LU

I wanted to use another marker other than vector and awesome, but I don't want to use custom layer. so I created this general layer geojsonMarker as layerType: ``` js...

the module throws error because of misuse of Promise. Promise can not be instantiated without params. at line 92 in index.js, instead of ``` js let promise = new Promise();...

with submodule method, I got this error while generating/serving website (`jekyll serve`): ``` /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin-1.2.9/lib/jekyll/multiple/languages/plugin.rb:26: stack level too deep (SystemStackError) ``` after deleted example folder, it works. could you please move...

Type: Bug
in need of pull request

I'm getting this error when using mesh. ``` DeprecationWarning: 'root' is deprecated, use 'global' ``` I think one of your dependency is using the deprecated variable.

currently , PDF.add works only on url and file type, but it doesn't work on html type: ``` javascript pdf = new PDF({ html:"html content 1" }); pdf.add({ html:"html content...