Results 16 comments of Hongbo LU

I've tried this setting, after added spamd_address, I can't receive any mail. any idea ? if I remove the setting, all the sent mails are received.

I found the problem, I must install exim4-daemon-heavy to get it work.. by default, there is a light version in my VPS. It works now. thanks a lot :)

could you tell me more detail ? * your system: ios or android ? * your system Version ? * do you use crosswalk or not ?

I just tested in ios simulator (ios 9.2) with cordova ios 3.8.0 and cordova 6.0.0, I don't have such problem. could you please tell me your ios version and ios...

what's your cordova version ?

yes it's currently capturing only the root webview. I will check if it's possible to caputre the entire application screen

I'm pretty busy recently on my work... I will update the project asap, you are very welcomed to contribute :)

do you have crosswalk installed ? if yes, which version of crosswalk plugin ?

do you mean with this plugin? I don't have any error...