Josh Girvin

Results 6 issues of Josh Girvin

Viewing a prototype that was originally designed as non-retina in Framer itself with `Framer.Device.contentScale = 2` set works wonderfully, but opening it in Frameless keeps it at a scale of...

Hey there, trying to set this up! ``` PS C:\Users\JoshGirvin\Code\firmware-nesper> nimble esp_setup Executing task esp_setup in C:\Users\JoshGirvin\Code\firmware-nesper\esp32_nim_example.nimble [Nesper ESP] setting up project: ...create project source directory ...writing cmake lists io.nim(853)...

One of the things I'd love to work out how to do is load `ki` as a library in Node, specifically to write a Webpack loader for easier development workflows....

So I setup Nim v1.6.4 via `choosenim` and setup your extension. Autocomplete isn't working at all, and `Indexing, file count 3` never goes away. I checked the dev tools, and...

Hi there, As per issue #70, `gulp-notify` doesn't work under tmux correctly. According to that issue, it's because of `terminal-notifier` not handling it properly, `gulp-notify` uses I assume? I've updated...

Hi there, trying to compile this on OS X by running `` gives me the following failing test: ``` Expected: True But was: False at Projekt.Tests.assertDeepEquals (System.Xml.Linq.XNode expected, System.Xml.Linq.XNode result)...