Josh Girvin

Results 19 comments of Josh Girvin

Is it possible to declare custom media query extensions this way as well? The customProperties object works perfectly, but defining the customMedia object to work the same way as the...

Hey @ailispaw I have a similar error ``` ➜ code git:(master) ✗ nslookup > server Default server: Address: > ;; connection timed out; no servers could...

I'd also be interested in how to achieve this; I'll have a play and see if I can get it to work via WebPack and will let you know if...

I'm firmly of the opinion that it's worth refactoring to use the new `$Compose` type -- but I'm biased, because I'm in love with Flow's amazing utility types ;)

I've also run into this issue, using the straight `brfs` module (inside of Gulp).

@hcorion I'd recommend taking a look at Chipmunk2D is a pretty excellent 2D physics engine, that shouldn't be too hard to slot into any game engine (depending). It's all...

I've nearly got it working, but got distracted porting wisp over to webpack [(see here)]( I'll have another crack today! Also, out of curiosity, how does ki go with importing...

@saem From the looks of it, its something to do with msys itself not being on the PATH via choosenim, but `nimsuggest` is requiring it. Very very odd! Perhaps it's...

To add some more detail, the file that is throwing the error is: ``` /* line 1969 "/home/saem/Development/nim/nim-for-choosenim/lib/system.nim" */ function add_33556412(x_33556413, x_33556413_Idx, y_33556414) { /* line 1976 "/home/saem/Development/nim/nim-for-choosenim/lib/system.nim" */ if...

For those also running into this issue, I solved it by installing Nim and Mingw64 directly from [here]( I extracted them to `C:\` as `C;\nim` and `C:\mingw64` and added `C;\nim\bin`...