Mosè Giordano

Results 674 comments of Mosè Giordano

For the record, with Julia v1.8.0 and `Measurements.jl` v2.8.0: ``` julia> using BenchmarkTools, Measurements julia> @benchmark @uncertain atan($(10), $(13.5 ± 0.8)) BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 156 evaluations. Range (min …...

This is interesting, but my fear is that one may accidentally strip the uncertainty out in generic code that doesn't know about `Measurement`s, as `mean` would have a different semantic...

Given how a silent conversion to `Float64` caused so many troubles in #64 I'm more and more inclined to not do this.

> Build ZeroMQ with an older GCC version; the default is GCC 4.8.5, but I assume there is a reason why we bumped it up to v6 in Yggdrasil, so...

For the record, the involved methods are `u"A"^(2)` hits the first method, `u"A"^(3/2)` the second one.

> the requirement is that `x == y` implies `hash(x) == hash(y)` I thought that was `isequal`, not `==`. They're different

It's already a thing :wink:

Ah, if you really want a type then no, there is no new type nor alias, there. > I've hacked this `const Angle = Union{typeof(1rad),typeof(1.0rad),typeof(1°),typeof(1.0°)}` I don't see how this...

> @giordano The method you suggest yields the following That's because I misspelled the last argument to `Quantity`, it should have been ```julia julia> const Angle{T} = Quantity{T, NoDims, typeof(u"rad")}...

I don't see why changing the name is important.