Mosè Giordano

Results 122 issues of Mosè Giordano

I've seen sometimes Feynman diagrams with parallel lines drawn between two vertices (see for example and Of course, they can be drawn manually using plain Ti_k_Z code, but...


```console % make build mkdir -p bin g++ -g -fmax-errors=2 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter lxroot.cpp -o bin/lxroot lxroot.cpp: In static member function ‘static flags_t Syscall::st_to_ms(flags_t)’: lxroot.cpp:731:42: error: comparison between ‘enum’...

Usual memo to self: * change the version number in `stdlib/CompilerSupportLibraries_jll/Project.toml` * update `CSL_NEXT_GLIBCXX_VERSION` in `deps/` * update hashes with `make -f contrib/ -j csl` * since the [soversion of...

external dependencies
backport 1.6
backport 1.8

GitHub Actions used to run by default in all forks, so also CompatHelper is running there. While in most cases this is a huge waste of resources -- and in...

bug added a bunch of `*` functions, that appeared in Julia v1.1

There are some systems I have access to where it'd be beneficial to use custom MPI launchers, different from the standard ones. Latest case I ran into is, where...

feature request
prio: normal

Consider the following minimal module: ```julia __precompile__() module Foo using JLD file = joinpath(@__DIR__, "foo.jld"), "a", (1,)) JLD.load(file) # This line triggers the warning end ``` Precompiling it results...

I need think more about this, but this doesn't look good at all performance-wise. Before PR: ``` julia> @benchmark measurement(1, 2,) BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 999 evaluations. Range (min …...

We could make `Measurement` type abstract, and define two concrete types, `IndependentMeasurement` and `DependentMeasurement` (the latter may be an [abuse of language]( but gives the idea): ``` julia abstract Measurement{T
