Mosè Giordano

Results 674 comments of Mosè Giordano

> However it would be useful to have another mode (or type, or something) for fast computations without tracking correlations. I see your point, and it shouldn't be too hard...

To be honest, I've never got how this works within the linear error propagation framework, which this package uses. Is the propagation rule the same as with symmetric errors, but...

Yeah, this looks more something for [`MonteCarloMeasurements.jl`]( than this package.

Thanks for your report. Honestly, I'm not going to implement this nice feature as I don't have much experience with error propagation in case of arbitrary probability distributions. Anyway I'll...

@alhirzel you may be interested in this new package:

Does this depend on #56?

I never got Makie working so it's highly unlikely I'll work on that myself. I thought Makie used the same plotting recipes as Plots?

Well, you need someone who can use Makie and cares about this package. It won't be me though :slightly_smiling_face: (but ideally, a single solution that works for both Plots and...

I agree that this could be counterintuitive, but I think the real problem is that method is ambiguous: what does "`sigdigits`" refers to? Everybody can claim that The Right Answer™...

Hi, thanks for the interest! I agree that having the ability to choose between a ribbon and error bars would be cool, but I have two concerns: * does the...