Results 39 comments of David Gilson

Same issue but it's because it listen a global "upgrade" event for all ws subscriptions. I had to handle it myself to choose when to call the `upgrade` function...

This fixed my issue on my project `clickOnNav()` navigate to another page that contains Recaptcha. Solution: ``` it('should navigate to recaptcha page', async () => { page.navigateTo(); page.clickOnNav(); browser.ignoreSynchronization =...

@maoberlehner Hello, I really need this feature for my build tool. I filter on a main file and all sub imports are included in all files. Projects became huge. This...

I'm able to scale using ```html #diagram>svg { transform: scale(1.5); } ``` But this feature is missing

> To keep workflow as close to local development as possible, sail uses docker host networking when possible. That means if your webserver within Sail binds to :8080, it will...

Hello, Can you check if it works as expected when you enable `alwaysSetPrefix` ? Only these urls have to works : es => `http://localhost:4000/es/quotation` en => `http://localhost:4000/en/quotation` Thank's

Hello, Can you check files `app-routing.module.ts`, `app.module.ts` and `app.server.module.ts` from and unsure you have imports and providers at the same place and with the same order ? For example...

Or use fork that is compatible with Angular 9

@elvenbyte I have no known issues with Angular 9 (official release, not RC) and node 12. You can check that my demo have Ivy enabled. What type of errors do...

@vytautas-pranskunas- It's an SSR error. Do you use `@nguniversal/module-map-ngfactory-loader` ? This module change "lazy-load" to "simple load" only on server-side.