Results 39 comments of David Gilson

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@acopapic I'm not sure to understand your problem with browser back. - If it's '/en/home' --navigate--> '/en/blog' --changeLang--> 'fr/blog' --back--> '/en/blog' --back--> '/en/home', this is because the urls in history...

Hello @vslzl , The reason that you don't have access to "details" route is that it doesn't exist in my example: It's possible that there are some router-link that...

I did this repo and use it as reference in my company :

Hi @ranavc32, sorry for the inconvenience and thank's for your return. The problem was related to [this issue]( I downgraded router version to 5.2.6 for now. Check my repo again,...

Hello @ranavc32 If it put "ROUTES.dashboard" in url this is because it doesn't find this translation in fr.json or en.json files. Take a look at my translation file ....

Repo updated for Angular 7 :

Hello @BruneXX , Everything related to universal is it these files: - [package.json]( all universal dependencies and usage of @gilsdav/ngx-translate-router (that is compatible with angular 8 and SSR). You will...

1. LazyUniversalModuleLoaderProvider is not needed anymore for Angular 8 2. `ng add @nguniversal/express-engine --clientProject ...` command creates the webpack file 3. I don't think there is something particularly for Localize....

@BruneXX 2. This is needed in most cases (example: deployment on cloud provider) because you can only drop files. Without webpack post build you must have npm on the server...