Giacomo Rebonato

Results 11 issues of Giacomo Rebonato

Reporting an example where the usage of `ResolverInterface` on the resolver break the typings on the property decorated with @FieldResolver. ```typescript @Resolver((_of) => Task) class TaskResolver implements ResolverInterface { async...

Thanks, I had some good time today trying this library. I'd like to better understand something. Once I create my useful script, I'd like to execute it with a keyboard...

Type: Question

I'd like to bring Colorize to Monaco editor, but I am struggling to understand which actions need to be taken. Could you help me finding a good direction? Many thanks.

This branch adds a `patch` function to the public API. Its purpose is to allow the editing of a JSON5 object while preserving the comments in the file. The API...

Basic implementation for supporting JSON5 file format. Monaco can be probably better fine tuned for the purpose, but this is the best I can do at the moment with my...

### Feature It would be nice if the project worked also with other more relaxed JSON syntax, like JSON5. What do you think? ### Alternative solutions or implementations I see...


### Preflight Checklist - [X] I use the latest version of YouTube Music (Application). - [X] I have searched the [issue tracker]( for a feature request that matches the one...


This plugin is so good that I'd like to just rely on it when using VSCode instead of using the unmaintained JSON5 extension. To do so I associate `.json5` files...

Hi and many thanks for creating this plugin, it's very useful to me! I am trying to run this plugin in the browser using Vite and eslint4b, but I am...

The following is the code my entry points to: ```typescript import type { FastifyCookieOptions } from '@fastify/cookie'; import type { DefineFastifyRoutes } from '@matthewp/astro-fastify'; import { fastifyTRPCPlugin } from '@trpc/server/adapters/fastify';...