Giacomo Rebonato

Results 10 comments of Giacomo Rebonato

I love this project's idea. Writing function in the render method is so easy to read.... I am not good at benchmarking, but I will study. Thanks.

Does async import help for this? ```typescript const { resolvers } = await import('../generated/type-graphql') ```

I am using the following configuration: ```js monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.setDiagnosticsOptions({ noSemanticValidation: false, noSyntaxValidation: false }); monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.setCompilerOptions({ target: monaco.languages.typescript.ScriptTarget.ES6, allowJs: true, checkJs: true, allowNonTsExtensions: true }); monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.addExtraLib(libSource); ``` I then use JSDoc to...

It also would be nice to have a way to manipulate the `context` from the `loader` function, when for example the title of the page depends on the value of...

This PR aims to fix the failures:

The PR that fixes this chore is ready to reviewed:

Hi, do you know the reason why this problem appears only in the production build?

The terse syntax of `biome.json5` would be nice as well. `.jsonc` is also great anyway, thanks!

How do you measure the popularity of JSON5 vs JSONC? This chart on NPM shows an higher use of JSON5 parser: Also: > Chromium uses JSON5 for internal configs,...

I am using this configuration, very minimal but OK for my needs: ```js monaco.languages.register({ id: 'json5' }) monaco.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider('json5', { "tokenizer": { "root": [ [/{\s*/, "delimiter.bracket"], [/}\s*/, "delimiter.bracket"], [/\[/, "delimiter.square"], [/\]/,...