Oliver Tale-Yazdi
Oliver Tale-Yazdi
I'm currently looking into the same flags for Substrate https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/issues/10608. Please let me know if you find something beyond `lto=fat` and `cu=1`. Your `tiny_keccak` test seems to produce results much...
> Glad I am not alone on this. So far I have used cargo-flamegraph to get some flamegraph data and try to make some sense out of the information it...
One more thing: Did you try `RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native'` yet? It is only possible to define as env variable, not in the `Cargo.toml` AFAIK.
> In conclusion Rust compiler version used and target CPU does not matter too much here. Thanks for the check! > So it is as if Cargo's package specific profile...
> I'm a bit confused about the dependencies though. Given the [prerequisites](https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-archive#prerequisites), why is it enough that `shell.nix` has no mentions to PostgresSQL? Maybe for running the tests? I think...
> @ggwpez did you happen to resolve this issue? No, we just refrained from running the race tests in [our project](https://github.com/perun-network/perun-polkadot-backend)… I saw that this is old code copied from...
Getting the same error. Maybe since its using `edition = 2018`? Somehow it works locally but fails in [the CI](https://github.com/ggwpez/substrate-weight-compare/runs/6450613460?check_suite_focus=true) like you said… Command is [here](https://github.com/ggwpez/substrate-weight-compare/blob/c2edeb8e38b339a75ea45677f8db61bfb5d0c7d8/.github/workflows/ci.yml#L38) with rust 1.60.
I put it into the audit queue.
Interesting. There are some big increases, but also a lot of decreases. Remark jumped to 1.46ms, but it seems consistent across the runtimes. Westend was not updated @coderobe? [SWC-compare link](https://weights.tasty.limo/compare?repo=polkadot&threshold=10&path_pattern=runtime%2F**%2Fsrc%2Fweights%2F**%2F*.rs&method=guess-worst&ignore_errors=true&unit=time&old=master&new=coderobe%2Fweights-st&git_pull=false)...
> Looks like an error in the template, should be easy to resolve, will look into it Could also just be missing deps in `runtime/kusama/constants/Cargo.toml`. PS I think we can...