Yes. Scroll over the \u part. `frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u00A0'));`
Is it possible to use it with Pathogen? I do not wish to install several neovim plugin managers and needlessly bloat my installation. I tried cloning it with `--depth 1`...
Running `:scriptnames` shows `~/.config/nvim/bundle/conjure/plugin/conjure.vim` as loaded, nevertheless `:help conjure` doesn't work.
Most uses of grep/ack/ag are line by line searches. You would only have to reach the maximum subject length on multiline searches or if a single line is over 2G....
@ragapack osrm-text-instructions has a `pt-BR` localization but no plain `pt`, like it does with spanish `es`/`es-ES`. Either use `pt-BR` as the name of the locale or even use it as...