selected copied to clipboard
Uncaught Error: PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
When one moves the cursor over code with UTF8 codes like \u00b7 atom triggers an exception.
Steps to Reproduce
- Start Atom
- Open a JavaScript file with unicode codes
- Move the cursor over the code
Expected behavior: [What you expect to happen]
Should not trigger an exception.
Actual behavior: [What actually happens]
Triggers an exception.
Reproduces how often: [What percentage of the time does it reproduce?]
Every time. 100%.
Atom : 1.25.0 Electron: 1.7.11 Chrome : 58.0.3029.110 Node : 7.9.0 OS X 10.10.5 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Sun Jun 4 21:40:08 PDT 2017; root:xnu-2782.70.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Do you have some copy/paste-able snippet to test on?
Doesn't cause the error; although this package doesn't work with unicode characters (different issue)
Also, what are your highlight selected settings?
Yes. Scroll over the \u part.
👍 Thanks.
Blows up when Only Highlight Whole Words
is not ticked.
For a less roundabout reference, this is likely caused by