type fdsinit first, then type fds (or open the CMDfds command shell and type fds if you see it on the desktop)
You dont need to use winzip. Just type the name of the fds installer in the command window or double click on in file On Fri, May 13, 2022, 4:25...
geometry slices work by outputting the data and also vertices and faces corresponding to that data. in order to implement a 3D geometry slice file the same way as for...
on the smokeview side, smokeview shouldn't care if the the 3D slice file is in the old structured format - should work
I'll take a look.
what version of fds and what version of smokeview are you using. you can type fds and smokeview -v in a command line to find out
Update smokeview on your windows computer so that linux and smokeview versions are the same. Then compare isosurface appearance. On Thu, Feb 13, 2020, 1:43 AM mpachera wrote: > On...
Do you mean the walls are not shown? look in the show/hide menu for options for showing or hiding various parts of your case On Wed, Nov 20, 2019, 9:23...
Upload a simplified case that exhibits the problem and indicate which part of the input file is not showing up in smokeview and I'll take a look .
Ill take a look. Look at fds2ascii. You may be able to get the data you want with it On Thu, May 14, 2020, 4:38 AM A-Temple wrote: > Hello,...