Herman Zargaryan
Herman Zargaryan
Hi @natemoo-re, please take a look when you have time.
Thanks for adding a changeset. Will make sure to add next time ;). Is there anything else needed from my side, or you'll merge?
Raised a PR to fix this for SSG. SSR with the [`node`](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/integrations-guide/node/) adapter still has issues though, despite calling `closeBuild`, the asset store is empty.
@Tc-001 I think the easiest is to put those lines in your Astro config file: ``` astroImageTools.hooks['astro:build:done'] = async () => (await import("./node_modules/astro-imagetools/plugin/hooks/closeBundle.js")).default(); ```
@RafidMuhymin any chance to merge my fix?
I wonder whether v7.0 being on Vite makes it easier to integrate [Astro](https://github.com/withastro/astro) components 🤔