Georg Obermayr
Georg Obermayr
Hi, when I try to install the plugin with the Kirby devkit my site goes down with this errors in console: ``` [16-Oct-2018 11:12:47 UTC] PHP Warning: Use of undefined...
Hi, i would be great to be able to control the options of the Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Hyphenator instance, like wordMin, LeftMin and so on. I created my own fixer to do this...
Hi, Great plugin, I'm currently evaluating for a project. It seems the plugin is not able to work with global field definitions in blueprints, as described in So something...
Hi, when I install the kirby-revisions plugin and add a new page in the Panel I get the following PHP error: Call to a member function is() on boolean in...
In Kirby 4, when I try to extend a core component, this is no longer possible, when using this plugin. For instance: ``` "k-header": { extends: "k-header", mounted() { console.log("mounted...