Vitaly Sazanovich

Results 14 issues of Vitaly Sazanovich

**Describe the bug** It's a long unusual score (panoramic). Export to SVG works nicely, but export to PNG fails. (causes hanging, high memory/CPU usage, unresponsive UI) []( **To Reproduce** Steps...

**Describe the bug** Backslash in paths causes MuseScore 4 to ignore the command on Windows 10 (CLI). **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: Using command line try to export...

I'm getting a lot of warnings like this in Chrome. Chrome thinks there's a better way to attach event listeners (Stage.js): ``` _bindContentEvents() { if (!Konva.isBrowser) { return; } EVENTS.forEach(([event,...

In The connection line is val dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://$databaseServer/$databaseName?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&autoReconnect=true&rewriteBatchedStatements=true&useCompression=true&useServerPrepStmts=false&verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=UTC" I think useSSL=false is incorrect. It should be sslMode=false if (((serverCapabilities & NativeServerSession.CLIENT_SSL) != 0) && this.propertySet. getEnumProperty(PropertyKey.sslMode).getValue()...

v.1.44.147 Диструбутив LXLE 64Bit 18.04.3 ui: LXDE При запуске из командной строки $ sudo mytetra иконка в System Tray (xpanel) появляется. При запуске $ mytetra или через кнопки в меню...

On page 6 under "Setting Up Your Development Environment" interactive development environment should read integrated development environment P.723 (left column) IDE (interactive ... should read IDE (integrated P.723 (right column)...

### Describe the bug When trying to debug EventDataObjectDeserializer public Optional getObject() I hit comment lines. ### To Reproduce 1. Using Maven add dependency 20.128.0 2. Create a Java snippet:...


I'm using SDL2 bindings for GoLang. I'm also cross compiling for a MIPS device (PocketGo handheld console). Strangely when I use stdout haptic stops working. Eg.: ``` cmd := exec.Command("amixer",...

I'm using x86_64 Linux distributive. sdl.GetTicks64() always returns 0 while sdl.GetTicks() returns a correct value.

Hi, I'm trying to convert an SVG file to a large PNG. ![score]( But it takes a lot of time. So I'm trying to profile the CPU usage to provide...